Whether you are seeking to acquire a targeted company, position your own organization for sale, or shop around for buying opportunities, Porter Research can support your efforts with customized market research and analysis.

Conducting Marketing and Customer Base Due Diligence
Comprehensive due diligence goes beyond “examining the books” and can help ensure fair valuation of the company, limit the acquiring company’s risk, and pave the way for a smooth integration of the newly-acquired business.

One critical area of due diligence is verifying that the customer base of the acquisition target is secure and will continue to generate projected revenues after the sale.

Porter Research can conduct a customer satisfaction study with the acquisition target’s current clients, allowing the potential buyer to:

  • Understand customers’ perceptions of the acquisition target
  • Evaluate renewal and upgrade plans among the company’s customer base
  • Gain knowledge of customer experience with the company’s solution from a product, sales and support standpoint
  • Uncover any underlying issues within the acquisition target’s customer base prior to close

Positioning Your Company for Sale / Raising Capital
If you are considering selling your company, you want to maximize value. Independent research from Porter Research can assist management with valuation of assets associated with marketing, commercial viability, and the customer base:

  • Utilize customer and market research to boost valuation of your company
  • Generate independently-verified, marketing materials that will be requested by potential investors or buyers including competitive analysis, customer satisfaction research, win – loss analysis, client references and customer renewal/upgrade plans.

Identifying Potential Acquisition Targets
Market opportunity research from Porter Research is an ideal way for strategic buyers and private equity buyers to gain insight into an unfamiliar industry and pinpoint possible acquisition targets. By getting feedback directly from the marketplace, potential buyers can quickly:

  • Identify the players in the marketplace and how they have positioned their product or solution
  • Measure brand awareness and perceptions of vendors among targeted customer segments
  • Understand the unmet needs and opportunities in the industry